
Showing posts from 2017

Dragon Ball Absalon Episdoe 1

Dragon Ball Absalon is a non-profit, fan-animated series created by Melvin E. Dompig (known as mellavelli) of Max Gene Studios. The series revolves around the Z-Fighters protecting the Earth from warriors who capture full-blooded Saiyans and bring them to a place known as 'Absalon'. The series is currently in production, and is only on it's second episode. pisode 1 Taking place multiple years after the end of GT, our heroes have settled down and lived life peacefully on Earth. Many events occured, such as Majuub and Pan becoming engaged and having children, Vegeta leaving Earth to train and search for more power, and Gohan discovering many new techniques. Whilst everything goes well, this peace is interrupted by a new threat. Approaching the Earth are three Saiyan pods, soon after, Dende contacts all of the Z-Fighters and warns them about the upcoming threat. Majuub, Goten , Trunks and Gohan all feel this threat, and head towards the trio. After landing on Earth, ...